sunnuntai 27. huhtikuuta 2014

It was supposed to be a cloudy day

Don't stop now 'cause you on a roll
Make me go anywhere that you go
I'm that dream in your head when you're sleepin'
I'm that secret inside that you're keepin'

Today was supposed to be a cloudy day.. But then again I knew this was coming 'cause u should never trust a weather report -.-' So sunny sunny sunnyyyy! And I still don't have those clothes so I'm stuck inside our house, so typical for me. But that's actually fine with me 'cause I got so much things to do and now I have the time for it.
First things first, I thought I could show u my latest acquisitions (I don't know if that's the right word ^^')

Okay, I bought these in H&M couple weeks ago but ofc I can't wear those sweat shirts anymore (at least not very often) 'cause summer is coming.. yeah, I'm pissed -.-' But then again I don't have the right scarf right now so the good thing is that now I got plenty of time look for it :]

And this! Omg, I found this from flea market and it costed like 1€ or something :D It's really cool and I just love it \o/

These aren't actually new, I bought them about five months ago but I thought I'd show them anyway. I don't know why I bought these 'cause I don't like to wear these kind of.. things xD It makes writing on my phone so much harder and these get stuck everywhere I touch -.-'

(Geoffrey Huntington - Sorcerers of the Nightwing)

I started reading this book couple years ago but I never somehow finished it so when i saw it in the flea market I was like 'omfg I've totally forgot this!!!' Aaand then I had to buy it ^^'

It was like 12:00 when I started to write this post and now it 13:15??!! Okay, if I'm going to get anything done today I really should go now.. So that would be all today, hope you'll have a lovely day <3

lauantai 26. huhtikuuta 2014

¡Qué hermoso día!

<a href="">Seuraa blogiani Bloglovinin avulla</a>

Ah, it's sooooo beautiful day! A normal person would go out and enjoy it - like hang with their friends or going for ice cream or something like that but hey, I'm not a normal person xD Nope, I've been in my bloody computer the whole day! But I actually do have a decent excuse - I don't have clothes.. I mean not like that, I do have like sweaters and stuff but not any summer clothes and it is very hot out there .___.'
I don't really know what's wrong with me but every time when I have money I'm like 'oh I should buy some new clothes' but I hold onto that thought like couple of minutes and then I'm like 'oh yeah I'm gonna buy that cool book I saw yesterday!' And bye bye money -.-' I have no idea how I'm gonna survive when I move out.. Fortunately, there are still a couple of years left before it's time for that ^^'

I took this picture like couple of years ago and I just happened to found it :'] There's nothing special about it but I just thought it's really cool xDD

My little bachelor <3 Can't believe he's already 4 years old ;----; I love him to death as well as my other dog who didn't want to be photographed ^^'

Okay, I have this thing.. I don't know why but I never show my drawings to anyone 'cause I don't think I'm a good drawer.. And to be honest I actually haven't drawn anything for a long time because I haven't had time and I'm really sad because of it :'< I really should shape up ^^'

Hmm, what else? I should do my nails again! These nail polishes are peeling off already.. So I'll probably post some nail pictures next time :] I also consider of doing some tutorials but I haven't decided yet ^^'
So that's all for now <3

perjantai 25. huhtikuuta 2014

Hello y'all!

This is actually my second blog but this one I decided to write in english. I know that my english isn't that good but I don't care, I'm still gonna give it a try xD 

Okay so first I should probably tell something about myself.. Gosh I'm bad at that ^^' I mean always when someone asks me to tell something about myself I totally freeze. Really, complete blackout! So I'll just keep this very simple and short u.u' 

U are gonna notice this later but I'm a huge fan of nail art \o/  Literally I do new nails like every single day and my nails are completely ruined because of that.. But I don't care  ID I found some old pictures and I thought I'd shot 'em to u :]

(Umm.. okay these aren't so old after all xD but that one on below is..)

(Okay that's not even really nail art ^^')

So that about that.. I'll probably post much of these kind of pictures in the future so hope u like 'em u.u'
What else.. Well I do love reading! Gosh I could spend hours a book in front of me and just drown myself in different kind of fiction world.. 
I also like fashion and I hope I'll be able to post some fashion pics too :3 But unfortunately I'm not very photogenic.. Or at least I think so ^^' But u never know, maybe someday :]

Okay, I think I'm gonna wrap it up now 'cause this writing in english is actually pretty exhausting for people like me (aka suck in english) xD But I'll be writing a real post shortly~

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